What yoga is and is not

There are many wrong assumptions and misleading information about yoga:
  • you have to be a vegetarian
  • super-flexible
  • it's only for eastern people
  • you sit in lotus for 2 hours
  • there is no movement
  • it's entirely mental discipline/meditation
  • it's selfish, self-oriented
  • you tie yourself in knots

In fact the basic postures (asanas) in Iyengar yoga are simple (though not necessarily easy!) and designed to provide a rounded system of exercise for the whole body.
You come in touch with your body, you observe carefully and detailed instructions are given for precise placement of each part.
You work to bring life to each cell in the body, eliminate dull spots, avoid overworking one part at the expense of another, achieve balance right-left, front-back.

Give yourself time to ask: am I tired for no apparent reason? Am I down in the dumps? Have I realised that one hip is aching -- is that because I am standing or sitting incorrectly?
Lift the chest and enjoy the gift of breath!

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